Rang Mahal comes to a Fitting End & Fans are already Requesting A Season 2 !
Rang Mahal came to a rather fitting end where we finally saw Mahpara and Rayed get their happily ever after! And while we do feel for Salaar, he definitely found a better partner in Sara, our man deserved nothing less! The drama quickly became one of the top trends on Twitter:
Needless to say, the ending had fans requesting for a season 2 already!
People were feeling for Salaar:
People were lauding Humayoun Ashraf for playing a villain as iconic as Sohail!
There was love and praise for Seher Khan playing Mahpara:
For sureeee!
Divided between #TeamSalaar and #TeamRayed fans held mixed opinions on the ending!
#TeamRayed was over the moon!
Fans loved the ending!
Fans really enjoyed the ending!
#TeamSalaar, however, did not enjoy the ending:
Someone had to say it!
People were sharing how Rayed too didn’t know everything:
Some had their reservations:
Hahaha, agreed!
We’ll always have a special place for Salaar in our heart!
Sohail’s death left some in tears!
People were already missing the drama!