GEO Makafaat “Zindagi Anmol Hai”:Finally an episode on corona virus outbreak!

Geo entertainment channel has been always at the forefront when it comes to portray something out of the box and illustrating the contemporary issues in society. As Pakistan is going through dark times owing to corona virus epidemic, media is accentuating the matter to create awareness in the society about the danger engulfing the world. Produced by Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi of 7TH Sky Entertainment, Makafaat is based on contemporary problems and issues happening around town and presented in the most realistic manner. Burgeoning cases of corona virus in Pakistan call for substantial precautionary measures to be taken to minimalize the effect further. Many people are not taking this novel virus quite seriously and not following instructions by government in particular.

Pakistani media is making pertinent efforts in provoking the nation to stay safe amidst this deadly pandemic. It’s the season 2 of Makafaat, based on the theme What you sow shall you reap and lately it has presented an episode on 11th May 2020 depicting the current issue which is corona virus predominantly.

Directed by Saleem Ganchi and written by Amber Azhar, it was a much-needed episode to make people contemplate about on-going situation and difficult times we are going through as a nation.
This specific episode named “Zindagi Anmol Hai “solemnly highlights the common behavior observed in society during epidemic and how eventually it causes desolation. All characters in the episode have been intelligently written with ultimate clarity that ultimately exuded the message in perfect manner. Story showcases the lifestyle and their approach towards gravity of the uncertain condition i.e. Corona virus. Evidently fabricating two types of behaviors persist in our society regarding the outbreak.

Two brothers, sheerly having different ways of dealing with the current situation and eventually faced outcomes according to their conduct. One brother, who tends to take all precautionary measures since it all started, perseveres to live a healthy life whereas other one, who ignored the impact of this novel epidemic, suffered gravely. This episode, indeed, emphasized the momentous times we are living in and what we ought to do to save ourselves and our loved ones.