After giving us the blockbuster drama serial Khaani, ace producers Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi are bringing the favorite couple Feroz Khan and Sana Javed back, in the 7th Sky Entertainment’s mega project, Romeo Weds Heer. Directed by the renowned director Anjum Shehzad who is known for his commendable work in Khaani and written by legendary writer Muhammad Younis Butt who has penned the famous satirical show Hum Sab Umeed Se Hain, Romeo Weds Heer is a romantic comedy that is for the masses. 7th Sky Entertainment presents Feroz Khan and Sana Javed in a complete new avatar. The first look of the serial unveiled by Geo Entertainment features the title track of Romeo Weds Heer, sung by the renowned singers Aima Baig and Sahir Ali Bhagga, and the colorful music video for the track has been choreographed by Wahab Shah.
The track is full of fun and entertainment and the screen chemistry of Feroz & Sana in the dance number is amazing. The dance number of Romeo Weds Heer has made the audience glued to the screen. Romeo Weds Heer is scheduled to go on air in October 2018 on Geo TV. A love story for generations to come in a serial redefining love, where east meets west. In our society marriage is not just between two individuals but between two families and when these families are poles apart this will bring twist and turns in Romeo and Heer’s life. So fasten your seatbelts belts & get ready for the fun & excitement in a signature Rom-com to celebrate the true colors of love & happiness in the one & only love story of the year.
Feroz Khan
Sana Javed
Firdous Jamal
Saman Ansari
Muhammad Ali Safina
Shafaat Ali
Beena Chaudhary
Namrah Shahid
Mariam Ansari
Zulqarnain Haider
Zia Ghorchani
Tara Mahmood
Ali Rizvi
Fizza Ali
Farhan Alam Siddiqui
Fareeda Shabir
Ali Syed
Waqar Ali
Rayyan Ali
Akbar Aslam
Ayaz Ahmed
Faiza Jawed Ali