The story revolves around a woman named Almas. After her husband’s death, Almas takes up responsibility to support her family. To make ends meet, she opens a salon and becomes a matchmaker. However, her greed takes over, leading her to be deceitful in both professions.
Despite her greed, Almas portrays herself as a devoted mother who has overcome significant challenges for her children. She wants the best for her own kids, however, she often mistreats children from other families, showing ignorance towards the universal law of karma.
Driven by greed, Almas orchestrates a marriage between her friend’s son, Saad, and the innocent Nisha. However, Saad reveals his true cruel nature, plunging Nisha into a nightmare. Upon discovering Saad’s abuse and Almaas’s complicity, Nisha’s brother Aaliyan vows revenge for his sister’s torment.
Will Almaas be held accountable for her deceitful actions? Can Aaliyan bring justice to his sister? Will Almaas successfully avoid Aaliyan’s revenge plan? Will Almaas’s children be affected by her misdeeds?
Cast Details:
Atiqa Odho
Haroon Shahid
Kiran Haq
Arez Ahmed
Ayesha Rajput
Seemi Pashah
Ayesha Gul
Yasir Shoro
Salma Asim
Mehmoona Qudoos